




This LUMAT special issue is a collection of selected papers from the 24th international conference of mathematical views that was held on August 20–22, 2018 in Helsinki, Finland. The conference was a wonderful opportunity to elaborate issues related to mathematics-related affect among colleagues interested in this area of research. The keynote at the conference was given by Reinhard Pekrun with a title: “Achievement emotions in mathematics”. 

Out of the 25 conference presentations, 12 were submitted as a manuscript for peer review. We had one reviewer selected among MAVI 24 participants, and another reviewer was invited among mathematics affect researchers who were not at the conference. After the review and revisions, we ended up with eight articles that you can read in this special issue.




How to Cite

Hannula, M. S., Haataja, E., Laine, A., Portaankorva-Koivisto, P., & Moreno-Esteva, E. G. (2019). Editorial. LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 7(2), 5–8. https://doi.org/10.31129/LUMAT.7.2.426

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