STEM in chemistry
Cultivating problem-solving skills via blended problem-based learning Socratics module
three representation levels of chemistry, problem-solving, problem-based learning, blended problem-based learning, blended problem-based learning SocraticsAbstract
The development of students' problem-solving skills is vital for cultivating a future-ready workforce, particularly in the domains of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Despite its importance, many students face difficulties in connecting classroom learning to real-world contexts, a challenge that is particularly pronounced in chemistry due to the abstract nature of concepts such as the three levels of chemistry representation (macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic). The integration of STEM principles into teaching approaches, such as the blended problem-based learning (BPBL) approach, which combines face-to-face and online learning, has shown promise in bridging this gap. By incorporating elements of STEM into the BPBL approach, this study explores how these disciplines can enhance problem-solving skills and facilitate deeper understanding. Specifically, this research investigates the effect of the BPBL_S Module—a module that integrates BPBL with the Socratic method—on students' problem-solving abilities in the three representation levels of chemistry concept. Employing a design and development research approach, the study involved 25 students and one teacher, selected through clustered random sampling. Data were collected through observations, student documents, and interviews, and were analysed thematically. The findings suggest that the BPBL_S Module significantly improves students' problem-solving skills by enabling them to apply STEM concepts to chemistry, thus enhancing their ability to justify solutions comprehensively across macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic levels. This study underscores the potential of the BPBL_S Module as an effective STEM-based teaching aid to better prepare students for the problem-solving demands of the future workforce.
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