Addressing mathematics learning challenges through concept-based instruction

A study in Limpopo Province, South Africa




concept, conceptual understanding, procedural understanding, concept-based instruction, constructivism


Continuous poor performance of learners in mathematics motivated the study reported in this paper. The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges that concept-based instruction could address in trying to improve learners’ performance in mathematics by equipping them with conceptual understanding. The study adopted a qualitative case study design approach that involved an interpretivist paradigm. Tests, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were the data sources of this inquiry. Constructivism theoretically underpinned this study in a bid to bring up the importance of creating knowledge for oneself through linking new information to prior knowledge.  The study involved 35 learners who were purposefully selected from a township school in Limpopo Province, South Africa. All the 35 learners wrote the test twice and completed a questionnaire. Six learners were selected for interviews for clarification of how they had arrived at their solutions and provision of more information. The study revealed the following mathematics learning challenges: poor mathematics background; too many rules and long steps involved; boredom and attitude; educator’s pace versus learners’ pace; and lack of variety of activities to reduce boredom.  It was concluded that concept-based instruction has the potential to address challenges encountered by learners in learning mathematics.


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How to Cite

Ncube, M., & Luneta, K. (2025). Addressing mathematics learning challenges through concept-based instruction: A study in Limpopo Province, South Africa. LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 12(4), 7.