Impact of digitalization for students with disabilities
A comprehensive structured review
digitalization, digital literacy, special education, students with disabilitiesAbstract
This structured review explores the interaction of digital education and students with disabilities through an extensive search of Scopus and WoS databases, generating 23 related papers. The following three central ideas are the focus of the synthesis: (i) Digital Literacy and Skills Development, elucidating the strategies and tools employed to enhance digital competency among students with disabilities; (ii) Challenges and Barriers in Digital Education, delineating the multifaceted obstacles encountered in the digital learning environment, spanning technological, pedagogical, and socio-cultural dimensions; and (iii) Inclusive Education and Digital Transformation, exploring the transformative potential of digital technologies in fostering inclusive educational practices. This review highlights the potential and challenges inherent in digital education programs within this environment. It does so by conducting careful analysis, highlighting the need to address digital inclusivity to develop fair educational opportunities for students with disabilities.
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