Enhancing students’ attitude towards biology using concept mapping and cooperative mastery learning instructional strategies
Implication on gender
attitude, concept mapping, cooperative mastery learning, instructional strategyAbstract
The effects of Concept Mapping (CM) and Cooperative Mastery Learning (CML) strategies on students' attitudes towards biology were investigated in this study to instill a positive attitude in students toward biology. The study adopted a quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control group design with pre-and post-tests. A total of 449 senior secondary students (SS2) from Nyamagabe District, Rwanda was studied. Pre- and post-administration of biology Attitude Questionnaire (BAQ) with the reliability (α= 0.95) was used to obtain data. Mean, standard deviation, analysis of covariance, and Bonferroni test were applied for data analysis. The findings showed that students exposed to the CM and CLM strategies have a significantly higher attitude towards biology than those taught using conventional teaching methods (CTM) (F (2, 445) =26.717, p=.000<.05). There was no significant difference in mean attitude scores between male and female students who were taught biology using CM (F (1,148) =.635, p=.427>0.05) and CML (F (1,141) =. 670, p=.796>0.05). Also, the results showed no significant interaction effect of treatment and gender on the attitude of students towards biology (F (2,442) =.586, p=.557>0.05). The study concluded that the CM and CML are effective teaching strategies in raising students’ attitudes towards biology regardless of gender. It is recommended among other things that biology teachers should adopt the CM and CML strategies during instruction to help students develop a positive attitude toward biology.
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