Evaluating usability in educational technology: A systematic review from the teaching of mathematics
educational technology, teaching of mathematics, systematic review, usabilityAbstract
The objective of this article is to determine which are the international standards and norms of usability that are used in educational technology applied to the teaching of mathematics at secondary and higher education levels, focused on two scenarios: (1) digital educational resources and virtual learning environments (VLEs), and (2) game-based learning. The PRISMA protocol was used and the Scopus and IEEE Xplorer databases, the Springer publishing House and the ACM Digital Library were used for the search strategy. Forty-seven primary studies were selected, emphasizing the use of the ISO/IEC 9241-11 standard. However, the isolated use of criteria to usability assessment without achieving engineering integration is reflected. Primary studies in the teaching of mathematics mainly use the ISO 9241-11:2018 and ISO/IEC 9126-1:2004 standards. Game-based learning scenario uses ISO 9241-11:2018 standards and procedures that guarantee, at least, the integration between efficiency, effectiveness, and ease of use. Digital educational resources and VLEs scenario uses ISO/IEC 9126-1:2004 and ISO/IEC 9241-11:2018 standards, and procedures that guarantee at least the integration between efficiency and ease of use; effectiveness and ease of use; ease of use and accessibility; and effectiveness, ease of use, accessibility, and efficiency.
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