Characterizing students’ beliefs about mathematics as a discipline
beliefs about mathematics, mathematics-related beliefs, middle school, Primary students, lower secondary school students, literature reviewAbstract
To fully possess mathematical competence and to understand its relevance, importance and aesthetics, it is essential to be aware of aspects of mathematics not only as a school subject but also as a scientific discipline. In a systematic literature review, the theoretical characterization of compulsory school students’ beliefs about mathematics as a discipline is investigated, as well as the empirical tendencies in the nature of their actual beliefs. Furthermore, the valuation of these beliefs is addressed. The 18 included studies demonstrate a clear pattern in applying a dualistic/relativistic spectrum when characterizing and analysing students’ beliefs about mathematics as a discipline, with students generally possessing dualistic beliefs, which is in contrast to what is favourable to their learning.
Note: Studies included in the systematic review are indicated by an asterisk (*).
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