STEAM based music activity example for gifted students
I design my instrument with Scratch and Makey Makey
STEAM education, technology, gifted students, 5E learning model, codingAbstract
In this study, the aim is to present a STEAM-based music activity for gifted students and to determine the students' awareness of the process at the end of the activity. The study group of the research consists of exceptionally gifted students who applied to STEAM Based Music Activities Workshop in the Halil İnalcık Science and Art Center. Accordingly, we determined the study group of the research as 25 5th grade students studying at Bursa Halil İnalcık Science and Art Centre in the 2023–2024 academic year. At the same time, these students also take information technologies course. We carried out the activity of “I design my instrument with Scratch program and Makey Makey” for a total of 8 hours in 4 weeks, i.e., two hours each week. The activity was prepared in line with the 5E learning model. At the end of the research, we applied the Formative Evaluation Form to the students and obtained data about their awareness of the process. We used the content analysis method to analyze the date. In the research, we determined that the students enjoyed the activity, their interest in music increased, music can be used effectively in different fields, coding studies with music are more fun, and they developed self-confidence by liking their work. In line with the data obtained in the research, the conclusion was that the realisation of music lessons with different fields by using today's technologies has positive effects on students.
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