“Learning models”
Utilising young students’ algebraic thinking about equations
The El’konin-Davydov curriculum,, learning activity,, learning models,, visualised algebraic thinkingAbstract
The overarching aim of this article is to exemplify and analyse how some algebraic aspects of equations can be theoretically explored and reflected upon by young students in collaboration with their teacher. The article is based upon an empirical example from a case study in a grade 1 in a primary school. The chosen lesson is framed by the El’konin-Davydov curriculum (ED Curriculum) and learning activity theory in which the concept of a learning model is crucial. Of the 23 participating students, 12 were girls and 11 boys, approximately seven to eight years old. The analysis of data focuses on the use of learning models and reflective elaboration and discussions exploring algebraic structures of whole and parts. The findings indicate that it is possible to promote the youngest students’ algebraic understanding of equations through the collective and reflective use of learning models, and we conclude that the students had opportunity to develop algebraic thinking about equations as a result of their participation in the learning activity.
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