Understanding “proportion” and mathematical identity
A study of Japanese elementary school teachers
elementary teacher training, mathematical identity, proportionAbstract
Studies have found that problems exist with respect to elementary school teachers’ understanding of proportions and their knowledge of the appropriate methods for teaching the concept. This study aims to help aspiring elementary school teachers form a healthy mathematical identity and deepen their understanding of mathematics. This quantitative study employed the descriptive-research survey method, surveying 86 students in 2019 and 110 students in 2021. Data were gathered using a survey questionnaire designed by Kumakura et al. (2019), with minor modifications made by the author. A major finding was that many students want to become elementary school teachers but are uncomfortable with the concept of proportions. Another important finding is that it is a challenge for students who wish to become elementary school teachers at a traditional school (University A) to hone their ability to use mathematical expressions and develop their sense of quantity. The findings suggest that it is important to help such students understand the content and refine their expressions.
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