Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): LUMATIKKA Special Issue

LUMATIKKA-erikoisnumeron kansikuva.

LUMATIKKA is a continuing education program during 2018–2022, funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education and coordinated by LUMA Centre Finland, for teachers of early childhood education, preschool education, primary education, and secondary education working with mathematics. The learner-centered, hands-on, and concrete contents of the program have reached thousands of teachers all over Finland, supporting the change of teaching following the latest curricula. The objective of theme number is to illustrate what continuous learning is all about.

Editors: Alisa Uusi-Kilponen, Eveliina Hietakymi and Susanna Toikka

Published: 2022-06-07


Leikkien kohti matematiikan oppimista varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa

Puhutko matikkaa? Kielentämisestä oivalluksia alaluokkien matematiikkaan

Matikkalasit silmille! Intoa matematiikan oppimiseen läpi koko oppimispolun