Thesis and master's thesis quick guide

Useful support material for supervisors


  • Johannes Pernaa The Unit of Chemistry Teacher Education, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki, Finland


thesis, research methods, research methodology


Jorma Kananen's Thesis and master's thesis guide for 2019 is above all a summary of the author's previous information books, which have been tried to be structured in a format that helps the author of the thesis. Here, the guide succeeds reasonably well, but to a large extent, the guide is more useful for the supervisor of the thesis than for the author. For the instructor, the guide offers checklists and tacit information from an experienced instructor, which help develop their own instruction and support in the production of learning materials. For students, the guide offers tips on the structure and contents and supports a preliminary familiarization with the methods and their reliability criteria. The guide lacks a section on writing a summary, research ethics perspectives and guidelines for reporting results, which is why the guide needs other literature to support it. This critique supports the use of the guide by making suggestions for appropriate additional reading.

Full text is written in Finnish.

Author Biography

Johannes Pernaa, The Unit of Chemistry Teacher Education, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki, Finland

I work as a university lecturer at the Chemistry Department in University of Helsinki. My main responsibility is to develop chemistry teacher education in our university. Currently I work as the Editor-in-Chief of LUMAT. My work can be followed through my academic blog




How to Cite

Pernaa, J. (2023). Thesis and master’s thesis quick guide: Useful support material for supervisors. LUMAT-B: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 8(1). Retrieved from



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