Teacher’s perceptions of the LUMATIKKA professional development course in relation to teachers’ professional work in the preschool context


  • Johanna Hirvi Fakulteten för pedagogik och välfärdsstudier, Åbo Akademi
  • Ann-Catherine Henriksson Centret för livslångt lärande, Åbo Akademi https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4701-4349
  • Gisela Neuman Nykarleby stad


teacher in early childhood education, pre-primary education, mathematics, professional development, in-service training


The early years are an important time when the child, with the support of the educator and the child's natural curiosity, acquires mathematical knowledge and mathematical skills in order to receive general competence that all people need. To meet this need for continuing education opportunities with focus on mathematics, the LUMATIKKA-course was created. The purpose of this case study is to shed light on the course participant's perceptions of the importance of LUMATIKKA continuing education for the teacher's individual professional development. The research questions are: I) What are the teacher's perceptions of the need for development in mathematical learning? and II) How does the course respond to the needs for continuing education? The results of the study show that there is a continuous need for development in the mathematical field among educators. The LUMATIKKA-course, both in terms of content and structure, is perceived by the teacher as a welcome support.




How to Cite

Hirvi, J., Henriksson, A.-C., & Neuman, G. (2022). Teacher’s perceptions of the LUMATIKKA professional development course in relation to teachers’ professional work in the preschool context. LUMAT-B: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 7(2), 32–53. Retrieved from https://journals-21.hulib.helsinki.fi/lumatb/article/view/1803



Leikkien kohti matematiikan oppimista varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa