Editori is a platform for publishing open journals and for learning practices in publishing, provided by Helsinki University Library. All journals on Editori platform are published under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0).

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  • e-Erika

    e-Erika is a journal on special pedagogy and educational assessment.

  • Language Under Discussion

    Language Under Discussion is an open-access peer-reviewed journal devoted to promoting open-minded debate on central questions in the study of language, from all relevant disciplinary and theoretical perspectives. Our journal seeks, unapologetically, to promote scholarly discussion of the “big” ques­tions about language — such questions as: What kind of a thing is language? What is the nature of linguistic meaning? How to best conceptualize structure and regularity in human languages? What is the role language plays in culture and how do cultural phenomena reflect on language? What are the roles of cognition and com­mu­ni­ca­tion in language? — We believe that specialized and applied studies are at their best when they are informed by a vision or model of lan­gu­a­ge in general and reflect back on it, just as theoretical discussions are only truly valuable when grounded in empirical research.

  • Helsinki Romanian Studies Journal

    Helsinki Romanian Studies (HEROS) Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal issued by Helsinki University Library and Helsinki University, the Lectureship in Romanian Language and Culture (the Romanian Language Institute in Bucharest, Romania) at the University of Helsinki, The Faculty of Arts, The Department of Languages. The journal publishes two issues per year every six months starting from the publication of the first issue. Its purpose comprises research and cooperation with similar local or foreign research entities, along with publishing research and encouraging academic dialogue in the field of Romanian studies.

    Online ISSN 2984-5068

    Contact: heros-journal@helsinki.fi

  • LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education

    LUMAT publishes special issues on math, science and technology education. Articles are peer-reviewed including research and review articles and perspective papers.

  • LUMAT-B: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education

    LUMAT-B publishes a wide range of different types of articles, such as perspective articles, research articles, book reviews and lectio praecursoria of Finnish disserations in the field of science, math and technology education research.

  • Technology in Chemistry Education

    Technology in chemistry education is an open access article collection including the most important research articles on the field. The aim is to promote open science and support life-long learning. The collection is published by the University of Helsinki, and maintained by Dr. Johannes Pernaa from the Department of Chemistry.

    Technology in Chemistry Education
    ISSN 2984-1046

  • Neuropsy Open: e-journal in clinical neuropsychology

    Neuropsy Open is an open-access electronic journal of the special psychologist education in neuropsychology arranged by the University of Helsinki in collaboration with Psykonet - the Finnish University Network of Psychology. Neuropsy Open publishes diploma works and other studies related to the field of clinical neuropsychology. In addition, Editorial column highlights topical doctoral theses, master’s theses and other publications in neuropsychology.

  • Synkooppi

    Synkooppi on Helsingin yliopiston musiikkitieteen opiskelijoiden lehti, joka keskittyy sekä musiikin eri osa-alueisiin että opiskelijaelämään ja yleisiin kulttuuriaiheisiin.

  • Think Open Digest

    Think Open Digest brings together articles published openly on the Think Open blog and elsewhere on the web. The issues of this overlay journal form thematic entities and are intended to support researchers in their work, particularly with regard to open science and digital research services.

Other open journals at University of Helsinki

This is a collection of links to open journals published at the University of Helsinki. These journals use their own publishing platforms. Is some journal missing from the list? Notify us at editori@helsinki.fi.

Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E

Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E (CTTL E) is a double-blind refereed open access journal that explores a variety of issues related to translation teaching and learning. We seek qualitative and quantitative research articles that are relevant to this subject.

No Foundations - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Law and Justice

No Foundations is an international peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing interdisciplinary legal scholarship of the highest quality at the interface between law and justice. We encourage contributions from all areas of law and beyond, with the aim of bridging the gap once opened between law and other social and human activities and experiences.

Proto-Indo-European Linguistics – Urindogermanische Sprachforschungen

The journal of comparative method of reconstruction in Indo-European linguistics. ISSN 2489-3390

RMN Newsletter

RMN Newsletter is a peer-reviewed open-access publication of Folklore Studies / Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki (ISSN 2324-0636 print, ISSN 1799-4497 electronic). The journal is primarily oriented to constructing an informational resource and discourse space for researchers of diverse and intersecting disciplines.

Solmu : matematiikkalehti

Matematiikkalehti Solmu on verkkolehti, johon liitetään esimerkiksi opettajien täydennyskoulutusmateriaalia sekä kouluissa käytettäväksi tarkoitettua opetusmateriaalia.

UV4Plants Bulletin

The UV4Plants Bulletin (ISSN 2343-323X) is an open access journal of the UV4Plants Association, publishing both peer-reviewed articles and editorial-board-reviewed opinions, commentaries, profiles and news. Articles deal with any aspects of research on plants (terrestrial or aquatic) and ultraviolet radiation, including applications to plant production and related fields, teaching at all levels, science popularization and scientist-artist collaborations.