Language Under Discussion

Language Under Discussion is an open-access peer-reviewed journal devoted to promoting open-minded debate on central questions in the study of language, from all relevant disciplinary and theoretical perspectives. Our journal seeks, unapologetically, to promote scholarly discussion of the “big” ques­tions about language — such questions as: What kind of a thing is language? What is the nature of linguistic meaning? How to best conceptualize structure and regularity in human languages? What is the role language plays in culture and how do cultural phenomena reflect on language? What are the roles of cognition and com­mu­ni­ca­tion in language? — We believe that specialized and applied studies are at their best when they are informed by a vision or model of lan­gu­a­ge in general and reflect back on it, just as theoretical discussions are only truly valuable when grounded in empirical research.

Open issues

Language Under Discussion issues remain open for one year so that readers may send in discussion notes in response to the focus article the issue features. Notes accepted for publication after peer review will be published in the same issue, and the author of the focus article will close the issue with a response to the published notes.

Vol. 7, No. 1 (2024). Focus article: "Emotions do not enter grammar because they are constructed (by grammar)", by Martina Wiltschko.

Closed issues:

Vol 6, No. 1 (2021). Focus article: "Explaining -splain in digital discourse", by Judith Bridges. Discussion notes by Andrea R. Leone-Pizzighella, Bárbara Marqueta Gracia, Chaim Noy, François Cooren, Ursula Lutzky and Robert Lawson, and Barbara Fultner. Reply to comments by Judith Bridges.

Vol 5, No 1 (2018). Focus article: “Tests for constituents: What they really reveal about the nature of syntactic structure”, by Timothy Osborne. Discussion notes by Richard Hudson, J. Lachlan Mackenzie, Stefan Müller, and Matthew Reeve. Reply to comments by Timothy Osborne.

Vol 4, No 1 (2016). Focus article: “Linguistic structure: A plausible theory”, by Sydney Lamb. Discussion notes by Richard Hudson, Timothy Osborne, Paul Rastall and William Benzon. Reply to comments by Sydney Lamb.

Vol 3, No 1 (2015). Focus article: “Contradictions in fiction: Structuralism vs. Jacques Derrida and deconstruction”, by Joanna Klara Teske. Discussion notes by Lizzie Stewart-Shaw and Marla Perkins. Reply to comments by Joanna Klara Teske.

Vol 2, No 1 (2014). Focus article: “Pragmatism as ventriloquism: Creating a dialogue among seven traditions in the study of communication”, by François Cooren. Discussion notes by: Chris Russill, John A. Barnden, Ronald C. Arnett, Elizabeth D. Wilhoit, Mariaelena Bartesaghi, and Barbara Fultner. Reply to comments by François Cooren.

Vol 1, No 1 (2013). Focus article: “Small model languages as tools for reflection”, by Paul Rastall. Discussion notes by: Per Aage Brandt, Karen Sullivan, and Sergeiy Sandler. Reply to comments by Paul Rastall.

Make a submission to our journal

Language Under Discussion is looking for open-minded and original authors from all academic disciplines that deal with human languages in one way or another. You can submit a manuscript for review online, or send it to the editors by e-mail, to: