Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Open education IV

The themes of the special issue of Think Open Digest are open education and open educational resources (OER). This is the fourth thematic issue bringing together open education related contents; previous issues are openly available: Open education (2020), Open education II (2021) and Open education III (2022). Like the previous issues, this issue is aimed at teachers working at higher education institutions – to support their work and to share some new ideas. The issue presents articles, services, tools, guides, and recommendations related to the theme of open education and learning – all content has been originally published elsewhere on the web.
The issue has been assembled by a team that includes members from different institutions: Päivi Helminen (Helsinki University Library), Maria Ilomäki (TLC, Tampere University), Ilmari Jauhiainen (The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, Open Science), Terhi Kaipainen (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk), Leena Katto (TLC, Tampere University of Applied Sciences), Sari Leinonen (TLC, Tampere University), Anna Lindfors (CSC – IT Center for Science) ja Kati Syvälahti (Tampere University). Juuso Ala-Kyyny (Helsinki University Library), editor for Think Open Digest, has coordinated the project.