The role of open access strengthened in FinELib negotiations


  • Open science annual review 2019


FinELib, negotiations, Big Deals, open access, transformative deals, transformative agreements


In early 2019, researchers, teachers and students at Finnish universities lose access to hundreds of scientific publications as the negotiations between the national FinELib library consortium and scientific publisher Taylor & Francis ended without result. Towards the end of the year, the situation was getting better with T&F – and an agreement was also reached with Wiley and SAGE. At the heart of negotiations and disputes in Finland and elsewhere in Europe is, besides money, open access publishing. Universities's goal is an agreement that covers, without any additional charge, authors’ fees (article processing charges, APCs) for open access publishing. These so called transformative agreements represent the shift from subscription fees to publishing fees, and the aim is to make subscriptions cheaper in the long run. Criticism has also been raised against the transformative agreements, because of the costly transition period and the cost burden of research-intensive universities. (Juuso Ala-Kyyny)

Other articles, reports and news about transformative agreements in 2019:






Open science in Finland