European framework for the development of openness in teaching and learning
avoin opetus, avoin oppiminen, Euroopan komissio, viitekehys, saatavuus, pedagogiikka, oppimateriaalit, yhteistyö, tutkimus, teknologia, strategia, johtaminen, tunnustaminen, laatu, framework for higher education institutions, ammattikorkeakoulut, Laurea, koulutusjärjestelmä, opetusjärjestelmä, opetuksen uudistaminenAbstract
A report by the European Commission, The Joint Research Center, provides a framework within which universities can promote and develop openness in teaching and learning. The framework contains ten dimensions of open education, which help to provide a broad understanding of the openness of teaching. The themes of the framework are: access, pedagogy, content, collaboration, research, technology, strategy, leadership, recognition and quality. (Kati Syvälahti)
- Inamorato dos Santos, A., Punie, Y., Castaño-Muñoz, J. (2016). Opening up Education: A Support Framework for Higher Education Institutions. JRC Science for Policy Report, EUR 27938 EN.
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