Math day – way of promoting math in scientific journals
educational intervention, student evaluation of teachingAbstrakti
This study observes how a math day-based intervention in master level research methodology education affects students’ thinking about mathematics and also about mathematical methods in science. The experiment was constructed in three phases: short instruction, group work, and instant communication to the whole learning group. Utilization of the Learning material portal (LMP) and presence of two teacher coaches implemented our student-centric learning approach.
Standard student evaluation of teaching questionnaires were used for data collection. With minor limitations, the SET data was useful. The gathered feedback revealed that the concept was accepted. Even though the students observed some inconsistencies, they felt that the theme day was an inspirational and thought-provoking event.
With this approach, a highly theoretical subject like mathematical research appearing as sample articles did motivate our students to think in a new way. So the goal to encourage officer students to utilize math-related scientific knowledge in their thesis came closer to becoming reality
Copyright (c) 2019 LUMAT-B: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education

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