Editorial Team

EDITORIAL STAFF                                     

Emilia Ivancu – Helsinki University, Finland – editor-in-chief

Emilia Ivancu is a researcher, university lecturer, translator and poet. At present she is a lecturer of Romanian language, literature and culture with Helsinki University, Finland with the coordination of the Romanian Language Institute, Bucharest, Romania. Her publications include Games of Identity and Alterity in the Novels of Salman Rushdie and VS Naipaul (Eikon Publishing  House, 2019) and Travels with Steinbeck in Search of America (Imago Publishing House, 2005). She co-authored a dictionary about the theatrical characters of Romanian playwright, poet and philosopher Lucian Blaga (Dacia Publishing House, 2005), a Polish-Romanian and Romanian-Polish dictionary (Nowela Publishing House, 2012) and a Romanian language textbook (Rumuński nie gryzie, Nowela Publishing House, 2017). Her recent research interests and research articles focus on prismatic poetry translation, creative multilingualism in teaching Romanian as a foreign language, mytho-poetical thought, comparative mythology, comparative literature, translation studies, autobiographical discourse. She has been translating fiction and poetry from English, Welsh, and Polish into Romanian.


Monica Huțanu - University of Belgrade, Serbia – editor

Monica Huțanu is assistant professor at the Department of Romanian and Classical Studies at the West University of Timișoara (Romania) and, since, 2012, lecturer of the Romanian language at the University of Belgrade (Serbia), appointed by the Romanian Language Institute. Her areas of interest and research include writing systems (which she explored in her doctoral thesis (2009) on the place and importance of the etymological orthographic principle in Romanian), sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, second language acquisition. She is particularly interested in the Vlach community from Eastern Serbia, and has published, in collaboration or as sole author, several articles and book chapters on various aspects of the sociolinguistic situation of this community. Her most recent book (co-authored with Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković) is The Vlachs of Eastern Serbia: Language and Society (Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2023).


Tomasz Klimkowski – Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, Poland – editor

MA in Romanian Philology (2003), PhD (2008) and DLitt (2020) in Linguistics from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, university professor, Head of the Romanian Studies Research Unit and Vice Director of the Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures of this university, member of the Commission of the Balkan Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has published two books: Influenţe slave vechi asupra morfologiei şi sintaxei limbii române (Ed. Aeternitas, 2011) and Dublarea clitică și fenomenele conexe în limba română contemporană (Ed. Eikon, 2018), and about 30 articles and book chapters on Romanian and Balkan-Romance linguistics. He is co-author of a Polish-Romanian and Romanian-Polish dictionary (Wyd. Nowela, 2012) and a Romanian language textbook (Rumuński nie gryzie, Wyd. Edgard, 2017). He also translates contemporary Romanian literature into Polish (e.g. Andrei Pleșu, Gabriela Adameșteanu, Max Blecher, Ioana Pârvulescu).


Oana Topală – Wallonie-Brussels Federation, Brussels, Belgium – layout editor, proofreader

Since 2010 she has been a teacher with the Romanian Language Institute, Bucharest, Romania and with the Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation - General Administration of Education. She teaches Romanian language and culture in schools of the French Community of Belgium. She is specialized in intercultural and multilingual pedagogy, and over the years she has coordinated multiple multilingual, multicultural and interdisciplinary projects: 'The travelling words' (2021), the intercultural project about the European languages 'EUROPA' (2017), 'Once upon a time…on the spice route. Rediscover European history and culture through its spice travel' (2013), 'Fairytales from here with words from other places' (2011), ‘From Art Nouveau to Art Déco’ (2023). Since 2018 she has been involved in scientific research, and is interested in topics such as intercomprehension, multilingualism, linguistic proximity and sociolinguistics. Her publications include 'French-Romanian linguistic interferences in children attending the course of Romanian language, culture and civilization in Belgium' (La Pensée et les Hommes, Brussels, 2021), 'Pluri, inter-, -transdisciplinarity. An example of a pluri-, inter- transdisciplinary project with an intercultural purpose' (La Pensée et les Hommes, Brussels, 2024).




Ioana Bican – Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Cristina Bogdan – University of Bucharest, Romania

Radu Bogdan – Tulane University, New Orleans, USA

Roxana Ciolăneanu – University of Lisbon, Portugal

Silvio Cruschina – Helsinki University, Finland

Daiana Cuibus – Babes-Bolyai University/Romanian Language Institute, Romania

Baudouin Decharneux – L'Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium

Iulia Dondorici – Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Cécile Folschweiller - INALCO, Paris, France

Gabriela Gavril – Al. I. Cuza University of Iași, Romania

Jukka Havu – University of Tampere, Finland

Kazimierz Jurczak – Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Thede Kahl – Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

Martin Maiden – University of Oxford, UK

Roberto Merlo – University of Turin, Italy

Matti Miestamo – Helsinki University, Finland

Oana Murăruș – University of Bucharest, Romania

Paul Nanu - University of Alba Iulia, Romania

Nicoleta Neșu – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Florin Oprescu - Universität Wien, Austria

Jana Palenikova – Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia

Cristian Preda – University of Bucharest, Romania

Teodora Șerban-Oprescu – Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Fernando Sánchez-Miret – The University of Salamanca, Spain

Gabriel Sandu – Helsinki University, Finland

Ingmar Söhrman – University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković – Institute for Balkan Studies, Belgrade

Alice Toma – L'Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium